Part1: HGηEm – Practical trials

„Influence of wood chip quality on the emissions and the efficiency of automatically charged biomass small-scale boilers in practical load cycle tests (JR)”

Part2: HGηEm – Bench tests

„Influence of wood chips fuel quality on emissions under test bench conditions (BLT)”


The project “HGηEm” is divided into two subprojects where Josephinum Research and BLT Wieselburg are engaged with two corporate partners. Both projects are complementary research proposals with thematically coherent research questions and a common aim.

The overall aim of “HGηEm” is to investigate the influence of wood chip quality on the emissions and the efficiency of modern small scale heating plants with a heat capacity of 40-50 kW. Further emission factors and the influence of the chemical composition of wood chips on the formation of emissions will be examined in more detail. Within “HGηEm – Bench tests”, the combustion trails will be conducted under defined test bench conditions. The main focus of “HGηEm – Practical trials” is on combustion tests under practical conditions by using different load cycles. To gain data combustion tests with different wood chips fuel qualities at the boiler test bench of the BLT Wieselburg are planned. The variation of fuel qualities are essentially focused on the aerosol-forming elements.


The results of the project should give information about:

  • which requirements on fuel quality and composition have to be met to fulfill the current emission limits
  • how emissions from bench test and under practical conditions with different load cycles will differ
  • if current emission limits con be fulfilled not only under test bench but also under practical conditions
  • the effects of secondary measures to reduce dust emissions


Duration: 04/2017 – 10/2019
Fundes by: Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Vienna



Mag. (FH) Dr. Lukas Sulzbacher BLT: Biogene Rohstoffe - Heizkesselprüfung
Rottenhauser Straße 1
3250 Wieselburg