
Isotope analysis of food for the control of the declared geographic origin


The geographical origin of food is playing an increasingly relevant role in consumers' purchasing decisions, and a higher price can therefore be achieved, if a certain geographic origin of a product is valued by the consumer. It is therefore necessary to check the declared origin of food in order to prevent consumer fraud as well as unfair competition by competing producers and traders and to ensure quality standards.

The origin of wine, Wachau apricots and saffron was examined as part of the project.


Results Wine: It was demonstrated that the isotopy of wine from different European regions (Austria, Slovenia, Romania, Montenegro) overlaps only slightly, if at all, and the same vintages can be easily differentiated with regard to their origin. On the other hand, the isotopy of wines from distant regions (e.g. Argentina) can overlap with European wines.


Results Wachau apricots: A distinction between the isotope signature of Wachau apricots and apricots of other origins was achieved.


Saffron results: Isotope signatures of saffron from different geographic origins were worked out. It is shown that saffron with a declared origin from certain regions was actually probably produced elsewhere and was incorrectly declared.


Duration: 04/2012 – 12/2017
  • Universidad de Cordoba
  • CETI
  • Jozef Stefan Institute
  • ITIM
  • NÖ Lebensmittelkontrolle
  • Saffronomics COST-Action Mitglieder
Funded by:  BMWFW, ÖAD