Corn cobs

Basic investigation into the possibilities of recycling corn cobs


Corn cobs are a co-product in corn harvest with a hardly used potential so far. Due to their quantity and condition a material and thermal utilization might be possible. Aim of this study is to compare the three cob harvesting systems concerning the working-time requirement, the harvest quantities and losses as well as the quality of the harvested material. Further the storage and drying behaviour of cobs as well as the main factors that have direct effects on these subjects are a goal of this work. The major aim of this study is to evaluate the suitability and economic aspects of corn cobs as a fuel for small-scale combustion plants with a heat capacity of < 150 kW.


During: 09/2011 – 05/2015
Partner: Hargassner
Funded by: FFG – Bridge



Mag. (FH) Dr. Lukas Sulzbacher BLT: Biogene Rohstoffe - Heizkesselprüfung
Rottenhauser Straße 1
3250 Wieselburg