Laboratory analysis of solid biofuels

The requirements for solid biofuels are specified in the series of standards EN ISO 17225 Parts 1 to 8 and in Austrian standards (ÖNORM M 7132, C 4001, C 4003, C 4005).

  • Drying cabinets for determining the water content

  • Muffel furnaces for the determination of the ashcontent

  • Determination of the ash melting behavior

  • Calorimeter for determining the calorific value

  • Determination of the mechanical durability of pellets

  • Determination of the bulk density

  • Determination of the particle size distribution

  • Determination of macro- und microelements using ICP-OES


Mag. (FH) Dr. Lukas Sulzbacher BLT: Biogene Rohstoffe - Heizkesselprüfung
Rottenhauser Straße 1
3250 Wieselburg