Knowledge transfer as a core task of the Innovation Farm - educational offers 2021

One of the main tasks of the Innovation Farm is education. Scientific knowledge, optimized production processes, but also practical tips in practice, are passed on in the context of seminars, training courses and practical events.

Farmers, students and trainee pupils in agricultural education sectors benefit from the knowledge of the Innovation Farm and can thus apply the knowledge gained in practice. The participating educational institutions include the rural advanced training institutes, the Wiener Neustadt University of Applied Sciences, the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, the Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, the Mold Educational Workshop, the HBLFA Francisco Josephinum, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and some agricultural ones Technical schools.


Here you can find our educational offer from March to July 2021. (available in German only)



Dr. Markus Gansberger BLT: Innovation Farm
Rottenhauser Straße 1
3250 Wieselburg