
Model-based process management for the thermal processing of soybeans


The aim of the project is to aquire process influencing variables in soy processing as well as their quantitative representation in the overall process of soy toasting. For this purpose, a model is to be developed which primarily depicts the influences and interactions of the starting material (raw soybean) on the quality of the product (soy cake). This enables the opportunity to adapt the control variables of processing plants depending on the properties of the incoming soybean. On the one hand, this can improve the operation process and quality, on the other hand the production of regional and/or farm-own GMO-free protein feed can be supported.


Duration: 09/2019 - 08/2021
  • Institute of Animal Nutrition, Livestock Products, and Nutrition Physiology
  • EST GmbH
  • MH-Agrarhandel GmbH
Funded by: FFG - BRIDGE



Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Matthias Trimmel JR: Senior Researcher
Rottenhauser Straße 1
3250 Wieselburg